Monday, January 8, 2007

And It Was Such A Good Day

It was a bit stressful because I was tweaking my resume and tying to write a cover letter that would land me an interview, but good because I'm looking at a possible job that I might actually enjoy!

It didn't rain today. The sun was out all day, and beautiful!

Then this evening I checked the mail...

A letter from the IRS informing me about $25 that either I owe them, or they owe me. Hard to tell; they weren't even remotely clear about that. Sheesh. I've been going at it with the IRS for two years now. When is it going to end?

A letter from my car insurance carrier. They're dropping my policy because my son had a bump up last year, my daughter had a bump up the year before, and I had my own bump up the year before that. Three accidents by three different drivers in the same household in three years; never mind that two of them are brand new drivers and that my own accident was the only one I've had in 34 years of driving! Sheesh again. I reckon they think we're setting a precedent or something.

And lastly...

A letter from my Internet service provider that I am being accused by Fox Studios of being in violation of the copyright law, having stolen one of their movies by download. And it's NOT true. That download was killed and the movie never made it into this house. But my ISP is considering suspending my service anyway simply because the accusation has been made. Internet laws do not allow for recourse by the accused. Sheesh and shit.

It's the dance of Life. One step forward, three steps back, shuffle to the left, and we all fall down.